‘Why am I here?’ Eradicating listlessness on your team

‘Why am I here?’ Eradicating listlessness on your team

https://danmulhern.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Why-am-I-here.m4a By Laura Andersen It is way too easy now. A meeting gets put on your calendar about a project. No preparation instructions, no asks in advance, no provided purpose. You’re lukewarm on the project, not...
Human Animals Pause

Human Animals Pause

Ronald Heifetz, JFK School of Government at Harvard. https://danmulhern.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Human-Animals-Pause.mp3Heifetz would drive people crazy, when… He would p-a-u-s-e Uncomfortably L O N G 1…..2…..3 seconds. You could almost hear the students’...
Are You Leading or Are You Led?

Are You Leading or Are You Led?

https://danmulhern.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Are-You-Leading-or-Are-You-Led.mp3Last week, I wrote about how in-your-face Covid has been for all of us. Not equally, of course. Some of your families may be right now threatened by the disease itself. Yet it...

Your Pandemic Challenge: Habits or Opportunities?

Podcast: Play in new window | Download The exhausting challenge. The amazing opportunity. Resilience . . . Plus . . . At no time in my 60 years of life in America, has our collective life so totally invaded my, and our, private existence. The events, threats, and...